The Lotusline MQ60 loudspeaker cabinets provide a versatile system designed for high quality distributed sound reinforcement in high performance fixed installation or stage monitoring. Using true point source coaxial technology and increasing directivity design, the MQ60 offers a full coverage free of lobbing effects inside and outside the coverage angles. The coaxial technology combined with increasing controlled directivity design used in the MQ60 is the best solution to recreate true point source with natural sounding behaviour. The MQ60 is the perfect answer to obtain high intelligibility and clarity in semi reverberant acoustic environments. The MQ60 is a two-way loudspeaker system with integrated crossover. The low-mid section comprises a 15 inch bass driver loaded by a 4th order MVC™ bass reflex enclosure, The high section includes a 1.4 inch throat (3" diaphragm) high frequency compression driver assembled in a coaxial configuration together with the low section loudspeaker providing a conical opening. The MQ60 provides a coherent acoustic field with 60° conical average coverage. The MVC™, Multi Vent Convection technology, allows the Lotusline MQ series to handle nominal full power capacity in any working position with minimum thermal compression.
The MQ60 is meant as a main F.O.H and distributed sound system in big rooms like convention centres, theatres, clubs and multipurpose venues or corporate events. The 30° and 90° angles, the two integrated handles and the flying system allow the MQ60 to be used for fixed installation as well as stage monitoring application. The optional accessories for the MQ60 provide this speaker a simple and easy installation; one can put it on the floor, install it on a stand or fly it. Two MQ60 can be used coupled to increase the SPL and coverage while minimizing destructives interferences. For music requirement, a dedicated setup for digital optional processor is provided in order to optimise the speaker response. Combined with Lotusline subwoofers, the MQ60 allows setting up compact and powerful systems suitable for all indoor or outdoor configurations.